Spark plugs and heaters

“BERU” produces top-quality spark plugs that are installed on over 50% of new vehicles. The compactness and quality of the spark plugs ensure economy and durability, especially for more modern types of vehicles. The advantages of “BERU” heaters are: extremely fast heaters of modern design, very short heating time (up to 2 seconds), reliability (up to -30°C), reduced engine noise, engine protection when starting. The “BERU” ignition distributor consists of a group of products that include: a set of ignition cables, a distribution cap, a distribution arm, a capacitor, plates, etc. All parts are characterized by a quality equal to the first installation. “Federal-Mogul Bridge Design” provides up to 2x longer life than traditional J-gap spark plug designs. Double bore bobbins are used in applications that require one spool per two cylinders.